Exhausted, happy and faster than expected Stefanie Imöhl and Stefan Reichstein met in the finish area of the 10th ITH-Hennesee-Triathlon 2017. Both of them pursue sports as a hobby and just had finished their first triathlon ever. With more than 400 participants the 10th ITH-Hennesee-Triathlon has been a meaningful event.
“I was incredibly exited“ Stefanie Imöhl had said just a few minutes before the triathlon had started. “That’s why I’m more than happy now to be arrived in the finish area safely and soundly.“ Her biggest challenge was the swimming discipline together with all the other participants in the lake. “But nevertheless I had a lot of fun and I will probably join the TriFun Triathlon Club in Meschede.“
Also Stefan Reichstein told that the swimming discipline's start with more than 200 athletes has been very unfamiliar to him. While laughing he said “I really couldn’t see anything but arms and legs.“ Now he is very happy and proud of himself to have finished the 10. ITH Hennesee Triathlon.
Both athletes finished the triathlon way faster than expected and reached quite good rankings in the middle of the Everyman's distance (500 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5km running). Stefanie Imöhl achieved position 116 in the total rankings which is equivalent to rank 27 among all women. Stefan Reichstein reached position 86 in total rankings, wich is 67 among men.
Both athletes just started their training just six month before the triathlon began – this "Newcomer's Concept" was organized by the TriFun Hennesee and accompanied by a the regional newspaper WP and WR. In December 2016 there was a draw for six free "wild cards" for the triathlon and Stefanie and Stefan took part until the end.
The remaining four athletes unfortunately weren’t able to participate due to business or private issues. “We are very happy about the fact to have helped two athletes - who merely used to do only running as a hobby – to finish the triathlon in such a great time”, Jörg Brouwer said, Vice president of the triathlon club TriFun Hennesee.
Christoph Weber, mayor of Meschede and Patrick Sensburg, member of the German Bundestag in Berlin, have fired the starting gun for most of the participants (Everyman's distance). Previously the kids and pupils had started the competition and achieved great results.
“Meanwhile we have a high amount of athletes participating. Nevertheless we want to keep the familiar character of the triathlon”, Frank Hohmann explained, general manager of ITH Bolting Technology. “By doing that, we want to introduce the triathlon sports to the kids".
“We are very satisfied with organization and performing the triathlon”, Frank Hohmann said. “We received only positive feedback of all the athletes”. ITH is the main sponsor of the event and has organized the triathlon now for the tenth time in collaboration with trifun club TriFun Hennesee and Townmarketing Meschede. “Thanks to all helping hands who made this event possible".
“It was an excellent event”, Christoph Hermes of the Townmarkeing Meschede said with a smile on his face. “The official referees, the regulatory agency and also the police haven’t had any annotations. All athletes have finished the triathlon safely and soundly”.
Dates: The next ITH-Hennesee-Triathlon will be on Saturday, 23rd of June 2018.