We look forward to welcoming you in 2025 to our two-day conference on bolt connections, which will deal intensively with current and future developments in bolting technology >M20.
On the first day of the event, we will focus on mechanical engineering. The second day will be dedicated to wind energy and steel construction. You can decide whether you want to attend both days or just one of them.
The language of the presentations is German on the first day and English on the second day. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
The tightening factor –
Image of the dispersion of the assembly preload
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willfried Lori
Mechanical properties of bolts and nuts of large dimensions M39 to M100 made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Requirements of the new standards ISO 898-11 and ISO 898-12
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Beyer
News about VDI 2230 Sheet 3 "Information on the safe assembly of bolted joints"
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wuttke
Influence of weathering on the preload behavior of
HV and HR assemblies sets in steel construction
Denis Paluska, M.Sc.
Estimation of a sufficient preload level in bolted connections of L-and T-flanges
Dr.-Ing. Lukas Makevičius
Implications of the new IEC 61400-6 Amendment 1 (AMD1) on tightening and assembly procedures for L- and T-Flanges
Dr.-Ing. Marc Seidel
On the fatigue strength of Large size-bolting assemblies for steel structures
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Glienke
Calculation of the required preload force & experimental validation of a tensioning method of the crankshaft main bearing bolting of a high-performance diesel engine
Arndt Weidenhagen
Interaction between bolt (pre-)tensioning and load distribution of the rolling elements in the raceway system of a large-diameter slewing ring bearing
Dipl.-Ing Lutz Winter
Thin-layer-based measurement of preload in safety-relevant bolted connections
Dr. Rodolphe Catrin
Efficient Bolted Connection verifications for Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
Dr.-Ing. Falk Lüddecke, Dipl. Ing. Filip Wegener
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willfried Lori
Research and Transfer Centre at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Glienke
University of Applies Sciences Wismar
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Beyer
Deutscher Schraubenverband e.V.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wuttke
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Denis Paluska, M.Sc.
University of Duisburg-Essen
Dr.-Ing. Falk Lüddecke, Dipl. Ing. Filip Wegener
Arndt Weidenhagen
Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG
Dr.-Ing. Lukas Makevičius
DNV Renewables Certification GmbH
Dr. Rodolphe Catrin
Intellifast GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Marc Seidel
Siemens Gamesa
Dr. Gregor Schweppe
Jo van Houtem
Isatec GmbH
Peter Sigfred Mortensen
Vestas Wind A/S
Dr. Tobias Lehnert
Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke
1-day ticket 1 person
590 € excl. VAT
✔ Conference documents,
✔ drinks during breaks, one evening meal and one lunch
2-day ticket 1 person
990 € excl. VAT
✔ Conference documents,
✔ drinks during breaks, one evening meal and one lunch
1-day ticket per person
495 EUR excl. VAT
✔ Conference documents,
✔ drinks during breaks, one evening meal and one lunch
2-day ticket per person
950 EUR excl. VAT
✔ Conference documents,
✔ drinks during breaks, one evening meal and one lunch
Q: How do I register?
A: Register for the conference by completing the registration form.
Q: What is included in the cost of registration?
A: You will receive the conference documents, drinks during breaks and lunch.
Q: Can I cancel my registration?
A: Yes. Cancellations must be made in writing. You can cancel your registration free of charge until Friday, 14 March 2025.
Q: What if I don't have time after all?
A: After this date, cancellation is no longer possible and the participation fee will be forfeited. It is possible to name a substitute participant at any time.
Q: Where does the conference take place?
A: The conference takes place at the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences in Meschede.
Q: Where can I find accommodation?
A: A room contingent has been reserved at the Welcome Hotel Meschede / Hennesee for the event. Please make your booking at short notice with the reference ‘ITH Symposium’:
Welcome Hotel Meschede / Hennesee
Am Hennesee 4
59872 Meschede
Phone: +49 291 20000
E-Mail: info.mes@welcome-hotels.com
Web: www.welcome-hotels.com
Q: How do I receive my invoice?
A: You will receive an invoice after your registration has been received. You will receive confirmation of registration after the participation fee has been credited to the account set up for this purpose.
Q: When do I have to pay the invoice?
A: The corresponding participation fees are to be transferred immediately upon receipt of the invoice without deduction. Cash payment on site is not possible.