Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning Cylinder type SES, single-stage, simple
Open design
- Single-staged BTC simple, "open" design for long projecting threads like on foundation bolts, heat exchangers or flanges.
Patented safety features
- Patented safety fracture device
Tool-information: features, function, application examples and technical data
Technical data
Type SES - exchangeable change bushing
Type SES - foundation bolt connection wind turbine
Type SES - foundation bolt connection chimney
Type SES - exchangeable change bushing
The flexible change bushing gets run down onto the bolt.
Type SES - foundation bolt connection wind turbine
Foundation bolt tensioning.
Type SES - foundation bolt connection chimney
BTC type SES together with an ITH Eco-MAX 18.
Type SES - ANSI flange
Typical ANSI flange application.
Type SES - exchangeable change bushing
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
1Type SES - foundation bolt connection wind turbine
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
2Type SES - foundation bolt connection chimney
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
3Type SES - ANSI flange
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
Exchangeable change bushings
Flexibility by modular design
Patented safety features
The ITH safety concept for bolt tensioning cylinders includes: patented safety fracture device (inside) and a stroke limitation..
Exchangeable change bushings
One bolt tensioning cylinder can be equipped with several change bushings (for different bolt dimensions) which is flexible and cost-effective.
Flexibility by modular design
Modular design offers:
- Adaption to different thread profiles with interchangeable parts. One Bolt Tensioner can fit different thread profiles by using the corresponding change bushing.
- Adaption to different nuts and washers with interchangeable parts. The support of the tool can be changed to accommodate all variations of nut and washer set-ups.
- Pin drive: Support with access window for tightening the nut using a turning pin. Can be used directly with slotted round-nuts or with a slotted turning sleeve fit for hexagon and other custom faced nuts.
- Gear drive: Standard support offers an attached gear drive for tightening the nut using a hand ratchet. Can be used with all hexagon and other custom faced nuts. - Various hydraulic block options are available according to the application requirements.
Control notch
The control notch on the foot of the support offers an easy visual inspection to check, if the nut lays even with the surface before pressurizing the Bolt Tensioner.
Supports with access windows for tightening the nut using a turning pin. Can be used with directly with slotted round-nuts or with a slotted turning sleve fit for hexagon and other custom faced nuts.
Patented cycle counter
- Optional on type SES, picture is schematic.
- Counts each pressure cycle of the tool and clearly displays the current cycle.
- Offers an easy way to track working procedures for users.
- Improved tool management by tracking cycles for maintenance intervals and service, which promotes safe working conditions.
NIOX coating
Optional Nickel-Chromium coating prevents from corrosion. The standard bolt tensioning cylinders are protected by a burnished coating.
Patented safety features
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
1Exchangeable change bushings
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
2Flexibility by modular design
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
3Control notch
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
4Patented cycle counter
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
5NIOX coating
Das ITH-Lieferprogramm umfasst sämtliche Werkzeuge. Ziehende und drehende Werk- zeuge, Mutternsprenger, Handwerkzeuge, Drehwinkel-Tools und vieles mehr...
Type SES (single-stage simple): Short & wide design for radially open but limited vertical clearance applications
Standard scope
- design for bolt quality 8.8: M16 to M110
- special cylinders, customized designs for bolt qualities 5.6, 6.8 or 10.9 or further bolt qualities can be delivery on request.
Bolt Tensioning Cylinders can be used for the following fastener configurations:
Hexagon nuts
- ISO 4032: Hexagon nuts (former DIN 934)
- DIN 2510-5: Hexagon nuts
- EN 14399-4: High strength pre tension able bolt connections for the steel constructions (former DIN 6915)
- Heavy hex nuts
- Hexagon nuts according to customer designs
Round nuts:
- Round nuts with radial hole
- Round nut with center holes
- ITH Round nuts RMS /RMZ
- IHF Round nut
- Round nuts according to customer designs
ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinder type SES for bolt quality 8.8, from M16 (5/8") up to M110 (4 1/4")
Contact us for:
- bolt qualities 5.6, 6.8 and 10.9
- special customized designs
- further technical information
- a free of charge technical consultation
We would be happy to give advice on your individual bolted joint.
Technical modifications and changes are reserved. Feel free to contact us for an individual design or further information.
Contact your local person in charge
Use the ITH global network to find your local person in charge.
Objective technical advice
Being a whole system supplier we are not determined to one specific bolting method - Therefore we advise you objectively and offer the best technical and cost-effective solution.
Contact us for a free consultation
Contact us on any questions regarding your bolt connection or for any technical questions. We advise you free of charge and offer a free on-site inspection.