The highly modern new facility of ITH Bolting Technology in Meschede, Germany was now officially opened with a grand opening ceremony. Round about 1,200 guests joined the celebration.
Meschede, Germany.
After a record-breaking building process of only nine months the new headquarter “ITH 2016”, the highly modern facility was now officially opened with a grand opening ceremony. Round about 1,200 guests, including families and friends of the employees, business partners and many more examined the new headquarter during sunny weather conditions.
Beginning at 11 AM the guests had the opportunity to get to know the new, light-flooded buildings from inside by joining guided tours. The visitors got an immediate impression of the ITH Bolting Tools, their application areas and internal production processes.
„The response was really great. Many people are interested in looking behind the scenes”, said ITH managers Frank Hohmann and Jörg Hohmann. „The feedback about the guided tours was very positive. We handed our bolting tools to the hands of our guests – nothing is more tangible than a personal impression. It was the right decision, to offer two different tours”.
During the 120-minute “Technical-Tour“, the ITH products and production machines were explained in detail to all the technically interested guests. The 60-minute “Standard-Tour” was a more general company walk-around, which was also interesting for families and children. During both tours, the visitors got informed about ITH Bolting Technology at more than 20 stations.
“Taking a look from the outside general public might think ITH was just about producing bolts and nuts. But that is not the case”, Frank Hohmann explains. “We can say that we have a high technical and engineering competence in the area of high pressure hydraulics, in electronics and software development”.
Around 2 PM ITH general managers and owners Frank and Jörg Hohmann welcomed all the guests in an opening speech: “It means a lot to us that so many guests came here to celebrate with us the new headquarter of ITH Bolting Technology. We would like to thank all of our employees for work over the years and for the great preparations for this celebration”.
After that official guests like Regional District Administrator Dr. Karl Schneider, Member of the German House of Representatives in Berlin Patrick Sensburg and Meschede Mayor Christoph Weber sent some ceremonial words to the guests.
“Companies like ITH Bolting Technology are the ones which make our economic region South Westphalia strong. I’m sure they will keep up and expand their position in the market in the future”. Dr. Karl Schneider praises ITH to be one of the worldwide leading system suppliers in bolting technology.
Meschede Mayor Christoph Weber emphasized the local value of ITH in Meschede, Germany and that the new building is also a strong commitment for both Meschede city and the region South Westphalia.
The ITH building was officially blessed by the catholic priest Reinhold Schlappa, the evangelic priest Hans-Jürgen Bäumer and Imam Vedat Tekin. At the building’s cornerstone in the entrance of the building short prayers were spoken and the cornerstone was blessed with holy waters.
The emotional highlight was at the end of the blessing: When the ITH senior manager Hans Hohmann reached the entrance area, he was spontaneously welcomed by the crowd with a long and warm applause. The senior manager, who founded company ITH in 1979 in his own basement, was visibly happy.
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A great barbeque offer, coffee, cake and cool drinks ensured the physical wellness of the visitors. In addition to a bouncy castle to romp, a wizard for the youngest visitors there was a karting area, where young and older folks could compete against each other. To attenuate the hot temperatures of more than 35°celsius, there were enough spots to pick up water.
“An opening ceremony is not an unimportant part of the process building a house – it builds the end of the process”, ITH general manager Jörg Hohmann explains. “The – including the planning – 3.5-year project building our new facility ‘ITH 2016’ has found an appropriate ending now”.
Frank Hohmann adds: “We head our focus towards the future now. As the building is finished new capacities and capabilities are set free. We will use these capabilities together with our employees to let grow ITH Bolting Technology sustainably and expand our market position".
"Our company’s goal ‘ITH Customer Focus' – all activities are 100% geared to customer’s demands – has made us strong. With new future developments and new internal processes we will expand our activities on the market”.
After an intensive planning- and analyzing process – followed by a short building process of only nine months – ITH Bolting Technology moved their whole production to the new facility as scheduled in Dec 2015 / Jan 2016.
The new, highly modern production facility includes a brand new center of logistics with an automatic storage system. The new facility is one of the world’s biggest centers for the development, production and distribution of industrial bolting tools and relating equipment.